Monday, June 27th, 2011LADYFEST_ROMA_011
16-17-18 September
csa La Torre (autonomous social centre)
Two years after the first ever Ladyfest_Roma, the roman
network gladly
presents the second edition of the festival, which will
take place from
the 16th until the 18th of September at csa La Torre.
The Network
The network intertwines many and diversified projects,
wishes, abilities, interests, activism practices, and is driven by
the common desire of experiencing a public space that’s ‘fit for all
ladies’. The ambition is to change the current state of things by
changing the way we relate to each other and by producing radical
contents, without ever having to renounce the pleasure of partying
together. During the past
two years we have organised and contributed to events and activities in
a variety of contexts – in Rome as much as elsewhere, indoors or in the
streets -, always carrying our essentials with us: a queer-feminist
approach as our work clothes and a craving for DIY in our handbags.
LadyFest_011 will revolve around the exploration of imaginaries on body
and sexuality, trying to find out where and how the norm can be broken
and turned upside down: where and how we can move from the pre-packaged
imaginary of power to the subversive and joyful power of free
imagination. We will do this in the form of
the participation of activists from Italy and abroad. A LadyBaby space
for children will make sure moms and dads are fully enabled to
participate. For those coming from out of Rome and for those wishing to
have a non-stop festival experience and multiply the opportunities to
socialise, a D.I.Y. camping site will be created in the green area
surrounding the social centre ‘La Torre’. You will be free to camp from
Thursday the 15th till Sunday the 18th.
The Camping Site
The camping site can host a maximum of 100 people. We recommend you
in advance, to make sure you get the accommodation you need and allow
to organise things at best. We deeply regret we cannot guarantee a
disabled-friendly physical environment. Please note that no dogs will
allowed in the camping area. In order to facilitate moving around town
during the festival, campers will be provided with as many bicycles as
possible, and with public transport maps.
Application Form
LadyFest_Roma_011 has no sponsors whatsoever. It is
entirely self-managed and self-financed. For this reason, we ask all
those who wish to camp and participate to the LadyFest to make a 25
EUR donation (covering the costs for a 3-night stay plus entry to all
activities). To make a booking, please email your application form to:
[1]. You can pay via PayPal
[2]) or bank transfer
(email us for details).
LadyFest_Roma Network
_Carrier of Unconventional Creativity_
Look for LadyFest_Roma on Facebook